A change of plan. Rather than follow the route of the MDO I decided on a more random route through the metropolis via Portabello Rd. Further annotations to come but meanwhile prizes to those who recognise the Beatle significance of these snaps.
Where Harry met Sally
Where they partied - what ? A pound a drink ?
Beatle Travellers and transport workers welcome. All others - Bugger Orf !
Who ate here whilst waiing for a bus ? Using ivory cutlery ?
Preparing for a Mad Day Out in olde London Town. Beatles London in one hand, camera in the other. Family just asked whether I need two anoraks. Very funny. Wish me well, its gonna bit wet today.
After a little unseemly haggling I acquired the above 1963 poster, dog-eared and frayed, for £20. Bargain ? What does that mean? The stall owner at the boot fair, tired and wet from the earlier downpour, asked me what it was worth. I don't know, I said slightly disingenuously (a framed version in the Beatle Shop on Baker Street has a £300 price tag but then it is frequented by nuts - self included). Not sure what I would have paid. Perhaps £50 max ? But having stumbled across it when really not expecting it, I had to have it. It started to rain again and the stall holders were packing up. So £20 it was.