Happy etc...
Flotsum (om ?) |
Jetsum (om..etc) |
And so it was that I made the annual pilgrimage to jolly London yesterday to brave the slings and agonies of the sales, the purpose of which each year is to spruce up the Brilig wardrobe for a few more seasons - hiding the increasingly obvious and embarrassing ineptitude with a dammed fine suit ! Gone, gone, gone are the old battlegrounds of Lily & Skinner (I loved that place, well maybe slight exaggeration), Burberry in Haymaket (not that I ever actually bought anything there but that's not the point) and the fantastic art deco (and Beatle connected) DAK (it's a pitiful small shop opposite it's previous cathedral to sartorial elegance - but wait was that Simpsons ? See page 86 of fave book) replaced by the crushingly predictable but nevertheless affordable TW Lewin and Charles Twit (Thwitt ? Twitter ? Twitter ? What the hell some stupid public school name).
Now, back in my day. I was in the business of technology; cutting edge, thrusting (ermm..) etc. etc. And so I find my inability to turn the above pic (see flotsum/om) round 90 degrees depressing in the extreme. Also having received a really fab smart phone for Christmas and being introduced to a billion 'apps' by the bright and eager offspring within a nanosecond of un- peeling the said pressie, I wonder why one of these 'apps' can't tell me where to go in London when I forget fave Beatle book... and the way I keep saying 'apps' makes me want to vomit. Why ? Well ... I just don't know. Leave me alone !
Enough Humbug already....Above F/J recently bought on ebay - Why ? How the hell do I know ? "They were there !" was not a very impressive response when questioned by the kids who still need those bloody school shoes ...and some Christmas presents. The look on their faces when they extracted the Santa IOU's from their stockings was one I have tried to drown out with cheap port for the past 4 days.
Banksy |
Stoke City drew with Southampton yesterday 3-3 - great match. I have supported Stoke City since the age of 5 entirely due to Gordon Banks. A friend sent me the attached signed photo of Banks doing the greatest save ever against Brazil in the 1970 World Cup. What a present ! Who says I am a Beatle Bore - well, everybody really.....
Happy New Year to all.